CCS Friends
CCS Friends has been running since the school opened in 2004, so as we approach our 21st year, we need parent volunteer help more than ever.
CCS Friends is the Caroline Chisholm School Friends Association. It exists to provide close links between home and school, bringing staff and parents together to provide social experiences and fundraising to help support the school with equipment to enrich the learning experiences for the students.
All parents and members of the local community are welcome to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time. The committee meets each month, usually on a Monday evening at 6:30pm. Please click below to view the dates for our planned meetings for 2025. If any published dates need to be amended, we will update our Facebook page, please click here to like or follow our page.
Meeting dates 2025
10th February 2025
10th March 2025
28th April 2025
19th May 2025
9th June 2025
14th July 2025
If you would like to offer your support, please complete the Support CCS Friends Form and email to:, or alternatively drop into Primary Office. To get an idea of what we are involved in throughout the year, please click here to see outlined the "Volunteer Roles". If there is anything in particular you would like to help with, please let us know.
Some of our brilliant fundraising initiatives to date have provided the school with:
- Bike shed for Reception classes
- Costumes for 'The Elf' Christmas Production
- Treadmill and speakers for Secondary P.E department
- End of year celebrations for both Primary and Secondary Phases
- Dance costumes for Primary phase
- Primary writing competition prizes for Primary phase
- Online reading subscriptions
- Playground equipment for Primary Phase
- Staff Uniform for the P.E Department
- Sports day medals
- Foundation stage 'Goodie bags' for new parents
- Outdoor Gazebos for Primary phase
CCS Friends have a dedicated website to handle fundraising donations, event ticket sales and second hand uniform sales. Please visit and register here:
Raise money for CCS Friends when you shop!
We are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE, every time you purchase online. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! All you need to do is sign up and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop online. It’s easy and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us at
If you need name labels for school uniform, please order name labels from and enter number 35704 and CCS Friends will receive 30% commission of every order.
CCS Friends Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The CCS Friends AGM takes places every year, usually in October or November. Our latest minutes are attached in the link below. We welcome parents and community residents to attend. Charity committee members are voted and plans for the year ahead are planned.
AGM minutes 23/24: CCS Friends Annual General Meeting - 14 October 2024 minutes
Our next AGM is scheduled for October/November 2025.
CCS Friends Lottery
You could be in with a chance of winning one of 3 cash prizes EVERY month, by subscribing to the CCS Friends Lottery.
For a yearly subscription of just £36, that's £3 per month, you will be entered into our monthly prize draw.
Please complete your application form here:
Please send your payment to: Natwest / Sort Code: 53-61-33 / Account No: 66357888
For full details, please see below the overview and terms and conditions.
Money raised from the Lottery will fund vital equipment and resources for the school. We thank you for your support.
For any queries relating to the Lottery, email us at:
Pre-loved/ Second Hand Uniform
CCS Friends are pleased to offer for sale Pre-loved uniform in good, but used condition. Please check your child's sizing before ordering as unfortunately we are unable to accept returns.
To view and purchase second hand uniform, please visit:
The money raised from uniform sales is used to purchase equipment and fund activities to enrich the students learning experience and we thank you for supporting CCS Friends and raising funds for our school.
- For Primary Uniform orders, your order will be sent home with your child.
- For Secondary Uniform orders, your order will be available to collect from Main Reception (Secondary Building) in the CCS Friends designated 'Collection box' located underneath the reception desk, where your order will be bagged and named.
To support CCS Friends further, we are asking that our customers absorb the cost of web hosting and banking fees. This helps us secure the donations you very generously make, and not have to incur fees that would impact our fundraising efforts.
Donations: If you have any good condition logo'd uniform that you no longer need, we are grateful for donations to be able to re-sell. You can either drop donations off to Primary School Reception within school hours or Secondary Reception have a donation box, located underneath the reception desk.
If you have any queries regarding donations or sales, please email
Whilst we make every endeavour to check the quality prior to sale, all uniform is second hand. We understand that, in some instances, it may not be to a standard you expect. In the very rare case that this may occur, we will work to find a solution. In the event of providing a refund, we are only able to refund the cost of the item and not the web platform and banking fees, as we incur those charges regardless.
Charity Matching Scheme
Do you work for a company that has a Charity Matching Scheme?
If you think that your employer has a matched giving scheme already in operation, or if you would like some more information about charity matching, please contact CCS Friends at and address to CCS Friends Chair.
Some of the larger companies who have had excellent schemes in the past are Barclaycard, BT, Avon, and NatWest, who have matched the fundraising of their staff members. You may not have heard if your company operates such a scheme, but it may be worth contacting your Human Resources department to find out. We have been helped enormously in the past by this type of donation, and there are several benefits to both the company and ourselves.
It is just another simple way that you can help our school and children.