House System
At Caroline Chisholm, we have 4 houses that make up our house system, each named after an Australian city:
Every student and member of staff is placed into one of the four houses, and we keep families/siblings together. Our house system is designed to embody the values and ethos of our school, and aims to be an integral part of our school community.
We want students to be proud of their school and their house and work with peers of all ages. Our house system provides each student with:
- A sense of belonging/identity within the school community
- Opportunities to develop social, intellectual, physical and practical skills
- A sense of achievement both inside and outside the classroom
- Fun and excitement through competition
- Opportunities for leadership
- An awareness of individual and collective responsibility
Caroline Chisholm was a pioneering educator born in Wootton, Northampton in 1808. She travelled the world and set up schools in India and Australia including starting the world's very first crèche. She is particularly famous in Australia where she was a key figure in helping new communities to settle and prosper and she became known as the "Emigrant's Friend". A number of schools in Australia are named after her. Caroline was a determined and courageous woman who devoted her life to the education of others and our school is proud to bear her name. Caroline remains an inspiration to us all in achieving goals against the odds and we are sure she would be proud to know that, under the banner of her name, so many children and young people have educational opportunities that she could but dream of when she began her life and work 200 years ago.