Parent Voice
Caroline Chisholm School Parent Voice is an informal group of parents who are committed to making a positive difference to the experiences and outcomes for children and young people who attend the school by:
- Identifying and representing the views of parents and carers to the
Governing Body on the education provided by the school and matters relating to the well-being of the children and young people who attend the school
- Engaging in activities which support the education and well-being of all students
- Involving parents and carers in decision make and fostering a culture of partnership and open communication between home and school.
If you would like to find out more about our Parent Voice group works, please do come along to one of our meetings!
Get involved
Once a term, our senior school staff, school governors and parents from a wide range of year groups meet up to discuss how we can make a positive difference to the experience and outcome for our children and young people who attend the school.
We work towards clear objectives: Communication, HPL, Ofsted, Transition, Homework and Feedback.
If you are interested in joining the Parent Voice group and supporting the future of our school, or would like to share any views, ideas or other enquiries, please email Vice Principal Mr Fisher via:
Please be aware that for any individual school concerns or complaints with regard to your child, please follow the school policy for responding to parents.