Vision and Values
Caroline Chisholm School is a safe, inspiring, and inclusive learning environment, where everyone is valued, respected, and supported for wellbeing and success.
Our school community is built on:
where everyone:
- strives to be the best they can become
- aspires to ambitious goals
- nurtures and supports
where everyone develops self-belief by:
- overcoming challenges
- taking calculated risks
- upholding our shared values
where everyone is inspired to:
- become a high performing learner
- embrace a range of rich and diverse opportunities
- celebrate achievement in all its forms
We aim to provide school experiences and opportunities that promote and encourage ambition, confidence and success for everyone through the effective support and engagements of parents.
Our school ethos plays a key role in every lesson and activity, both in and out of school to ensure that everyone can aim high and unlock their individual potential. We will encourage each child to make the most of every opportunity so that their educational experience at school is as enjoyable, rewarding and as successful as possible – nurturing the best in everyone.