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Young Artists’ Summer Show at the Royal Academy

The Visual Art department is delighted to announce that we have just been informed by the Royal Academy that Thomas Atkinson (Year 13) has had his work accepted into both the online exhibition and also the in-house summer exhibition at the Royal Academy itself. 31 students from CCS sent in artworks to the competition (which is the largest number to date) and we would like to thank them all for producing such lovely work and participating in this event. Over 21,500 young people nationally submitted work for the Youth Summer Show this year.

This is a huge achievement for Thomas, and we are incredibly proud of him. This is the second time that Thomas has managed to be accepted by the Royal Academy; the first time was to participate in the “attRAct” one-year online program of study, which he completed last year.

The youth exhibition at the Royal Academy will run from 16th July – 11th August and Thomas’ work will be viewed by thousands of people worldwide online and also in person.

Well done Thomas!

'Narna' by Thomas Atkinson


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