Cadets commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day

Last Thursday, some of our cadet contingent took part in a parade to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The event was held at Wootton Community Centre, and the cadets marched to the bagpipes and formed a guard of honour for the lighting of the beacon. This all happened in the presence of the Deputy Lord Lieutenant. There were readings from various community representatives and our own Cadet Zach Morley before an act of remembrance took place. The cadets conducted themselves very well, looked extremely smart, and received numerous compliments from members of the public.
Last weekend, our cadets also undertook their weapons handling training at Chetwynd Barracks in Nottingham. This was an intense weekend of training on a new weapons system, and the cadets learnt handling and stoppage drills, weapon safety, and firing techniques. All the cadets in attendance successfully passed their weapons handling test and are now looking forward to their shooting activities in a few weeks at Summer Camp, where they will take part in live and blank firing exercises.