Day 5 and the return home
Today was a rather more laid back affair.
In the morning, after packing our cases and vacating the rooms, we headed out to meet the Spanish students again or to visit the local shopping centre for some last minute gift buying. We met again at the beautiful market in the centre of town where students were encouraged to try something new for lunch, a Spanish speciality.
After lunch, students could choose to chill by the pool, shop if they hadn't already or siesta. We were all really exhausted by then.
Then finally we were on our way home! A coach journey, flight and another coach journey later and at 1.15am on Sunday 9th October, we all arrived safely back into the school car park.
100% of the students who completed the feedback form said they would recommend the trip and the vast majority spoke more Spanish than they expected and felt a lot more positive towards their Spanish studies now. For me, that is a huge success. But what made this trip most special, was the students themselves. They behaved so very well throughout our 5 days away and were such good company. They did themselves, their families and the school proud.