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Year 12 (Sixth Form)

Sixth Form September 2024

On-time applications for our Sixth Form closed at midnight on Friday 2 February 2024. Late applications are currently closed.

Entry Requirements

Students wishing to attend our Sixth Form must meet the following entry requirements:

  • A minimum GCSE grade 4 (or equivalent) in at least five subjects, including English Language, English Literature and Maths; and
  • A minimum individual subject entry grade.

Individual subject entry grades are set out in the Sixth Form Course Guide below, and these should be considered before finalising choices.

Subject choices

Please download our Course Guide below for a detailed look at our course offering, including an overview of course content, assessments and individual subject entry grades. A Level and Level 3 courses can be studied alongside each other, providing students meet both our sixth form entry requirements, and the minimum individual subject entry grade for all chosen courses. 

Availability of courses is dependent on number of applicants and viability of running them. For this reason, we ask students to also select a reserve subject. If there is a change to their chosen subjects, we will notify students and parents as soon as possible.

How to apply

On-time applications for our Sixth Form (24/25 entry) closed at midnight on Friday 2 February 2024.

If you have any queries, please email: or 

Current Year 12 students talk about their experience in Sixth Form

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